PGDM Admissions
The primary objective of the placement process at GHS-IMR is to facilitate the summer internship of all first-year students and placements of those final year students who are interested to seek placement assistance from the institute.
In alignment with the primary objective, the sub-objectives of the said task are enumerated hereunder:
Based on factors such as profiles and locations offered, and student’s perceptions and areas of interest, companies are ranked and called on campus
Prospective companies come to institute & conduct Pre-Placements Talks to give in-depth information about them including the roles and profiles being offered
Applications are invited and resumes of interested students are shared with the companies
Companies conduct their selection process which typically comprises CV based shortlisting, online tests, group discussions, and interviews
Campus Interview will be organized from October 2021 onwards. Facilities to conduct pre–placement talks, group discussion and interview will be provided on the campus. Convenient dates for campus interviews will be fixed in consultation with the companies. To facilitate the scheduling of interviews, please communicate to us two alternative dates along with your job announcement.
Placement Visit to Organizations
September, 2023 onwards
Pre-Placement talk by companies:-
October, 2023 – February, 2024
Final Placement:-
January, 2024 onwards
Summer Internship for 1st Year Students
May - June 2024
On receipt of profile of interested students, please communicate to us the names of students shortlisted by you (along with the application forms, if any) for campus interviews.
The institute will arrange for accommodation required by company personnel during campus recruitment drives, if requested.
The institute has certain placement norms to ensure fairness and equality to all involved. In view of this, you are requested not to correspond directly with the students. All communication should be addressed to the following:
PGDM 2025 Batch
Admissions Enquiry